N-gram smoothing models

When dealing with n-gram models, smoothing refers to the practice of adjusting empirical probability estimates to account for insufficient data.

In the descriptions below, we use the notation \(w^{j}_{i}\), \(i < j\), to denote the (j - i)-gram \((w_{i}, w_{i+1}, \ldots, w_{j})\).

Laplace Smoothing

Laplace smoothing is the assumption that each n-gram in a corpus occurs exactly one more time than it actually does.

\[p(w_i \mid w^{i-1}_{i-n+1}) = \frac{1 + c(w^{i}_{i-n+1})}{|V| \sum_{w_i} c(w^{i}_{i-n+1})}\]

where \(c(a)\) denotes the empirical count of the n-gram \(a\) in the corpus, and \(|V|\) corresponds to the number of unique n-grams in the corpus.


Additive/Lidstone Smoothing

Additive/Lidstone smoothing is a generalization of Laplace smoothing, where we assume that each n-gram in a corpus occurs k more times than it actually does (where k can be any non-negative value, but typically ranges between [0, 1]):

\[p(w_i \mid w^{i-1}_{i-n+1}) = \frac{k + c(w^{i}_{i-n+1})}{k |V| \sum_{w_i} c(w^{i}_{i-n+1})}\]

where \(c(a)\) denotes the empirical count of the n-gram \(a\) in the corpus, and \(|V|\) corresponds to the number of unique n-grams in the corpus.


Good-Turing Smoothing

Good-Turing smoothing is a more sophisticated technique which takes into account the identity of the particular n-gram when deciding the amount of smoothing to apply. It proceeds by allocating a portion of the probability space occupied by n-grams which occur with count r+1 and dividing it among the n-grams which occur with rate r.

\[\begin{split}r^* = (r + 1) \frac{g(r + 1)}{g(r)} \\ p(w^{i}_{i-n+1} \mid c(w^{i}_{i-n+1}) = r) = \frac{r^*}{N}\end{split}\]

where \(r^*\) is the adjusted count for an n-gram which occurs r times, g(x) is the number of n-grams in the corpus which occur x times, and N is the total number of n-grams in the corpus.



[1]Chen & Goodman (1998). “An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling”. Harvard Computer Science Group Technical Report TR-10-98.
[2]Gale & Sampson (1995). “Good-Turing frequency estimation without tears”. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 2(3), 217-237.